Monday, March 17, 2008

Raw Cacao here to Save the World ---> ; )

The BEST FOOD Ever here now, just in time to save the WORLD.
You can literally live on this food, and when in combination with superherbs and superfoods, you have something truly magical. Cacao pods and plants are appearing on eBay and can be grown at home (plant, pod). Combine ormus and superstar planting techniques, and you will have a fruiting cacao tree in just a few short years. I would suggest that we start growing. Cacao is an unadulterated, untampered, sustainable food source.

David Wolfe on CACAO --->

Truth Caulkins on JING --->

Truth is mesmerizing and tricky to keep up with. Second part of this video is his cacao bar.

Leslie Bega makes Chocolate Milk -->

Here's a link to an amazing Raw Cacao blog (Sunny's Kitchen)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is like...SO SEXY!!!
However do they not only grow in warm climates?