Saturday, December 29, 2007

MAKING Young Green Coconut Kefir

~the new MIRACLE FOOD~

I subscribe to TheBestDayEver, and Truth Calkins is one of my best favorites. Truth was talking about the "coconut kefir" they brew at Erewhon Foods (the tonic bar) in Los Angeles. I had to figure a way to brew my own. So I found a lady in KEY LARGO, FL with a Certified Organic Nursery and her coconut trees! She sent me 30 coconuts and I was in bizness. Here is a roundup:

Find some Young Coconuts:
Carefully "crack" into them:

Collect the Coconut Water:

Bring the Coconut Water to about BODY TEMP (around 90C):

Take the warmed Coconut Water to the kitchen table:
Stir in Kefir starter ( and seal! Let ferment for 36-48 hours at just above room temp (around 70-75C, I keep near vent & covered to do this, temp is ImPoRtAnT). Watch for bubbles to form on top, and the final drink will be bubbly, tangy and a little sour (like champagne). It is MEGA-effective in digestion, glowing and looking great, and apparently hangovers. It's kind of like BT's Kombucha. Friendly bacteria (probiotics) are what we're after in kefir, and I think probiotics are the key to feeling good, looking great, and fighting off ANYTHING.

Carve out the Coconut Spoon-Meat:

Put (hard bits removed) in a high-power blender with 1/2c Maple Syrup, Vanilla, and Ice Cubes for somma the BEST COCONUT PUDDING/ICE CREAM EVER! No Joke

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