Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Apricot Kernels -- a new almond?

Apricot Kernels are ... FINE!

Chewing a small handful of apricot kernels with mulberries can taste like sweet almond butter, there is almond extract flavor, and can even seem more 'almondy' than almonds.

-- protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins (such as B1, B6, and B17 which is called Laetrile/Amygdalin, etc.) minerals and other trace elements --

a simple Fig (Anjeer) Cake recipe:
* coconut butter or cream in place of ghee?
* and how about a little anise, ginger, lucuma, asafoetida etc?

Also remind yourself that apricot kernels are slightly "controversial" and also remember apricot kernels are unpasteurized (GOOD!) and delicious for you. (Shazzie)

Pasteurized, which many California almonds are, is fancy word for irradiation.

a video about Vitamin B17 "Laetrile" aka "Amygdalin" --> HERE

Nu-Gen Nutrition (from California)
GoHunza.com (cheap; bulk) video of owner
Blue Mountain Organics (more expensive)
Sunfood.com (more expensive, made by blue mountain organics)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

a thing for brown foods [funky flow]

Raiggghhhhht, Ribbit

Brown foods have been making themselves KNOWN to me the past few weeks. One of my best friends is his last name and UPS is proud of being brown. Brown in foods I could not think of many (chocolate is purple but turns to brown) But it's has been a different story lately.

So one day I saw some new fruit called Black Sapote which I'd heard about before, it was heavy for its size with green skin and a green star on top. Like a ribbon. I had a few of them to finish the day and right away felt a wave of great energy. They were ripe [easy to squeeze] and inside was total pudding. Smooth texture almost like mousse when really ripe. And as you eat, you might think about Bill Cosby, or maybe even Tootsie Rolls? Black Sapote is chocolatey. As it is, you could mix cacao in, or even eat with almonds. There's no debate over its chemical content either. "Better than Cosby"

Then I heard from a guy that Carob Pods is an amazing way to get ...protein? I can't find carob yet, but studies (out of France) are beginning to support the protein benefits of carob. They look high in glutamic acid, which is a great muscle builder. Glutamic acid [glutamate, msg] is in a lot of foods to make us feel good and vital, so let's go for the real glutamic acid, and work on finding carob pods I say.

Then, growing all over the place I saw Cassia pods, from the Cassia fistula tree. The pods grow green on the tree, just like Carob, then turn brown and end up on the ground. There are seed chambers inside, separated by discs, you just suck the coffee flavored coated discs and wait a few hours and there you go. Instant toilet explosiveness (the processed powder has been known to cause cramping). The Doctrine of Signatures says that the way a food looks helps you know what it does in the body. Cassia pods look like the large intestine (colon), some REALLY DO, and when you get the effects, the plant simply backs up that theory. (maybe better than any!)

Now this is Prince Fleaswallow and Parappa the Rapper
(the game with a subtle poop theme)

Black Sapote c/o Traveling Vegan Blog
Carob c/o Flickr, Food Navigator
Cassia c/o Chest of Drawers

Sea Beans, Velvet Bean [Wikipedia] or Bat Nuts